Fri, 27 July 2007
![]() On tonight's show, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny
about how you can get in beach shape with Erica Gragg the co-founder of Amansala the eco chic resort in Tulum, Mexico and creator of the one and only, original "Bikini Bootcamp" in Mexico as well as the brand new bestselling "Bikini Bootcamp" book. Erica said that Amansala is a destination where "people (mostly women and limited to 25 at a time) renew themselves and focus on getting fit spiritually as well as physically." She took our listeners through a typical day at Amansala where you do things like walk on the secluded beach, enjoy massages, explore Mayan ruins, and eat the freshest fish and veggies you can imagine. So if you are interesting in a healthy vacation where you can get away from it all and drop a few pounds then you better check out Amansala. For more information please go to Erica's website Tonight we were lucky to have Tiffany Davis from in the studio with us. She is the Atlanta editor of Everyday delivers the "Insiders Guide To What's Hot, New and Undiscovered" straight into your email inbox. Since 2000 Daily Candy has been the internet's official guide to what is hip and new. They have well over 2.5 million subscribers each day. Their newsletter focuses on Arts & Culture, Beauty, Service, Fun, Fashion and Drinks & Food. Tiffany gave fellow Atlantans some great tips on the latest and greatest restaurants around town where you can get the freshest vegetables and fruits, vegan soul food, or healthy drinks or even play kickball. Poor Tiffany has to spend her nights exploring Atlanta in order to give her friends and readers the scoop on what is the next up and coming super find. You better listen to Tiffany's segment with a pencil and paper handy because she gives out some great websites and resources if you want to stay fit in Atlanta. With Daily Candy you can be the ultimate insider and now what is hot before everyone else. Please go to their website and subscribe right now. You'll love it, I know my wife does! Jessica Myers from Garmin (the GPS folks) came on to discuss a new Garmin product - the "Forerunner 305" that combines a watch with a heart rate monitor and a gps device. This amazing watch tracks your every move while you run or play sports. You can see your heart rate and your exact running course. Dr Fitness absolutely loved it. He had it on while he played soccer and realized he doesn't run anywhere near the amount he thought he did. It also works with software that lets you track your progress and it even interacts with Google Earth. Please go to to get more information on this amazing device . And last but certainly not least we had on Rodney Moses all the way from Australia calling in to tell us about his great new website Fat Secret has been signing up about 1000 members a week to their vibrant active community. This a totally FREE website where members share their actual experiences with the various diets that are out there. This is a place you can read true stories of users of diets like South Beach, Atkins, Fat Smash, etc. You'll see recipes that they love and read the good, the bad and the ugly about these diets. This way you can kind of see what to expect if you go on them. And if you do try one of them you will have a built in support group of people who are also on the diets sharing what works and what doesn't. Please go their website to sign up. The Doctor had some interesting wellness tips in his latest installment of ...Dr Fitness' "Things You Can Do Today" series. Tonight it was How To Avoid A Migraine Headache. Here are a few of Dr. Fitness' tips on how to avoid a migraine. Number 1, start a headache journal where you track when and where you are when the headache started. Number 2, pay close attention to what you were eating or drinking just prior to the headache coming on. And Number 3, check the time of day the headaches occur. The Fat Guy noticed he would begin getting a headache the moment Dr Fitness started talking. He had a few more tips and he gave lots more detail in these tips but you'll have to listen to get them. Kathie Larkin was back from her vacation in Mexico. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for moms that is available on most Public Broadcasting Stations around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano in that Veet commercial that is on TV 24 hours a day. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My nine year kid Max made his radio debut in his new show "Kid Power Radio." This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you this show is rocketing up the charts!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_07262007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:45am EST |
Fri, 20 July 2007
![]() On tonight's show, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about how you can get "Tank Top Arms Bikini Belly Boy Shorts Bottom" from author Minna Lessig. Minna's new book teaches you how you can tighten and tone your body in as little as 10 minutes a day. Minna is a former Ms Fitness USA and she can be seen regularly now as the Health Watch Contributor on the CBS Early Show with Bryant Gumbel. she used to train Alex Rodriguez from the New York Yankees. Her fitness and exercise dvds Strength and Grace, Fat Eliminator and her latest Workout Emergency consistently rank in the Top 10 list in Billboard magazine. She talked all about her new exercise dvd and how it incorporates all kinds of music and moves. She said it was good for beginners as well as more advanced exercisers. Go to Minna's website for fitness tips and more information about all of her great products as well as some really hot pictures of Minna! We also had on Sweet Susi May one of the editors of FitSugar. A website for hip women who want to keep up with the latest in fitness, celebrity gossip, hot products, cool recipes and an all around good time. We are proud to announce that Susi will be joining us every couple of weeks for a regular FitSugar segment. Tonight she gave tips about beach workouts, eating on the run and how rashguards can save your skin next time you hit the beach! Check out FitSugar at every day you will love it. Susi and her crew update this blog about 20 times a day so there is always new fresh info for your to enjoy!Russell Harisson of Poseidon Technologies also was in the studio and he spoke to us briefly about pool safety. With so many kids drowning each year Poseidon has developed a product that helps lifeguards tell if someone is in trouble and has sunk to the bottom of the pool. Their device uses cameras to detect a drowning victim. The YMCA's have really embraced their technology and are using it throughout the country in their pools. Russell also said they have a device that would be appropriate for home pools as well. Russell said that when a person drowns they do not flail about like in the movies but they quietly sink to the bottom. For more information please check out their website The Doctor had some interesting wellness tips in his latest installment of ...Dr Fitness' "Things You Can Do Today" series. Tonight it was How To Be A Morning Person. Here are a few of Dr. Fitness' tips on how and why you should be a morning person. Number 1, get out of bed as soon as you shut off the alarm. Number 2, if you are having trouble getting up in the morning put the alarm on loud and far away from the bed so it forces you to get out of bed to shut it off. And Number 3, if you wake up earlier you can get more done because you will have less distractions - this could become your quiet oasis of calm before starting your hectic day. He had a few more tips and he gave lots more detail in these tips but you'll have to listen to get them. Kathie Larkin was not in the studio. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for moms that is available on most Public Broadcasting Stations around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano recently. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on Michigan radio station WKNW this day. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each day. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My nine year kid Max made his radio debut in his new show "Kid Power Radio." This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you this show is rocketing up the charts!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks"
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_07192007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:13am EST |
Thu, 12 July 2007
![]() On tonight's show, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about all things Hungry-Girl from the Hungry Girl herself Lisa Lillien. is one of the most popular food and dieting newsletters out there. Lisa said that she is approaching 300,000 daily readers of her amazing newsletter. Lisa considers herself a foodologist, Everyone has a friend who is obsessed with food, you know the one who can tell you how many calories are in that Starbucks Latte or in a Krispy Kreme doughnut, well Lisa is that person times 1,000. Each day her newsletter explores the latest food trends or a hot new low cal tasty product, a great recipe substitute - check out why she uses pumpkin in so many things and her very popular shocker segment where she warns readers of some products which might be over-promising or even misleading. Tonight she talked about the Veggie Booty and Jamba Juice cookie scandals. Please listen to this revealing interview and when you're done go to her website and subscribe to her newsletter. You will love it. Guaranteed! We also had on Gillian Marloth one of the creators of the best selling Exercise DVD series "Yoga Booty Ballet" Gillian really spent a lot of time explaining exactly what makes Yoga Booty Ballet so different. YBB is not Gandhi's yoga this is a mash-up of traditional yoga with funky hip hop dancing, ballet as well as meditation and mindfulness. Not only is this a great cardio workout but you also will improve your flexibility and balance as well. I promise you have not had a workout like this. Gillian has a studio in Los Angeles where you can rub noses with the A listers who also love to get there groove on with Yoga Booty Ballet. If you are looking for something new and different to shake up your exercise program it is definitely worth your time to check out this series of exercises dvds. There is a reason they are number one. Please go to Gillian's website or check out her exercise studio at or to purchase her "Yoga Booty Ballet" dvds please go to www.starzhoment.comCarlton Reed, one of this countries great motivational speakers also was in the studio and he spoke to us briefly. He tried to get the Fat Guy motivated to stay on his weight loss program but you'll have to listen to the interview to see if that worked. He had some great advice and you should check out his website for more info about him and his Great Expectations Seminars The Doctor had some interesting wellness tips in his latest installment of ...Dr Fitness' "Things You Can Do Today" series. Tonight it was Bizarre Natural Cures. Here are a few of Dr. Fitness' strange but true natural cures of common ailments. Number 1, if you have a tickle in your throat then scratch your ear and it will go away. Number 2, if you are with a low talker then turn to them with your right ear. your right hear can pick up low voices better than your left ear. And Number 3, if you are going to the doctor and he is giving you an injection - if you cough rioght before then that will lessen the pain - it works for kids. He had a few more tips and he gave lots more detail in these tips but you'll have to listen to get them. Kathie Larkin was in the studio and she is slowly taking over the show. I think she wears sexy outfits to try and distract Dr Fitness and sadly it seems to be working. She had great questions for both Lisa Lillien and Gillian Marloth. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for moms that is available on most Public Broadcasting Stations around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano recently. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on Michigan radio station WKNW this day. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each day. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My nine year kid Max made his radio debut in his new show "Kid Power Radio." This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you this show is rocketing up the charts!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks" />
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_07122007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:58pm EST |
Fri, 6 July 2007
![]() On tonight's show, Dr Fitness and the Hot Girl (the Fat Guy was in Florida) get the skinny
about all things tennis from Tennis Teacher of the Stars Oscar Wegner. Oscar has trained Venus and Serena Williams as well as most of the South American superstar tennis players. His methods have been studied by MIT, they're so good!. His first book "Learn to Play Tennis in 2 Hours" introduced tennis to thousands of beginner tennis players. Oscar now has a complete dvd and book combo that is perfect for everyone. Tennis instructors can benefit as well as tennis players at all skill levels. Please go to Oscar Wegner's website for more information. He also has lots of tennis tips and information there as well. The Doctor had some fitness tips in his latest installment of ...Dr Fitness' "Things You Can Do Today" To Get Ready For Your First 10k Road Race Tomorrow. Here are a few of Dr. Fitness' secrets about the things you should do to prepare for your first road race. Number 1, do not start off too fast - you are going to want to shoot off the starting gun like a rocket but don't do it - keep a steady pace. Number 2, wear the right clothes - chafing stinks - ask the Fat Guy he'll tell you. And Number 3, eat the right foods and drink the beverages. He had a few more tips and he gave lots more detail in these tips but since I was on vacation i didn't listen to them but you'll have to listen to get them. Kathie Larkin was in the house and she did a great job taking the Fat Guy's place in the studio. She told us all about her own tennis experience as well as lots of other good stuff. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for moms that is available on most Public Broadcasting Stations around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano recently. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on Michigan radio station WKNW this day. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each day. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My nine year kid Max made his radio debut in his new show "Kid Power Radio." This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
Direct download: weight_loss_radio_podcast_07052007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:28am EST |