Thu, 29 November 2007
![]() On tonight's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about making swimming in the pool fun with the SwimP3. Tim Elson with Finis Inc. creators of this amazing mp3 player for the pool uses an innovative sound transfer technology that gives you amazing sound quality while you swim. This device doesn't use ear buds which cause that swooshing sound underwater, they use bone conduction to give you great sound while you swim those boring laps. Please check out their website or for more information and to order yours for the holidays. We also had our friend Nicci Micco, editor of Eating Well magazine on to share some tips straight out of the magazine on "Foods That Keep You Young." The top seven foods that keep you young are: 1-yogurt, 2-olive oil 3-fish 4- you'll have to listen for the rest. Sorry. Or better yet check out the magazine on news stands everywhere or online at Sign up for their great newsletters while you're there. Next up we had on Fitz with Fitzness International talking about raising fit kids. Some of her tips were to only give your kids healthy food choices at home and put a bounce house in your living room to get your kids moving. She had some other wild ideas and she talked at length about The Wiggles so be sure to check out the whole interview. Please go to her new and improved websites for more great info and She is also an expert on AOL. Last but not least we had on the smartest person ever to appear on the show...Cory Kidd, inventor of Autom the robotic weight loss coach. Autom helps you by encouraging you to stick with your diet to create long-term weight loss and keep those extra pounds off. Fifteen robots were recently used in a controlled test and Autom by far was most instrumental in helping the participants lose weight of the three things tested. They only have prototypes but for more information please go to their website Autom will be available for purchase soon. Dr Fitness had some fitness tips to help keep you on track to lose weight or at least maintain your weight this holiday season. First, make healthy substitutions in your holiday recipes. Second, try a holiday 5k or fun run as a family event. Third, before going to a holiday party eat a healthy snack so you don't overeat at the party. He had lots more tips but you'll have to listen to get them. Please continue making Dr Fitness jealous by following the Fat Guy on Twitter. As we've mentioned anyone can follow the Fat Guy's eating exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying crazy things in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So you can now peek into his food diary. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy Twitters about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to to see exactly what the fat guy eats. We now have literally dozens of people who are following him so please join in. Hot mom, Kathie Larkin was in the studio lending her thoughts and laughter. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for hot moms, fat moms, all kinds of moms and is available on most PBS' around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano in that Veet commercial that is on TV 24 hours a day. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_11292007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:12pm EST |
Fri, 23 November 2007
![]() On tonight's very special Thanksgiving Show, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about all things exercise dvds from three of the best selling exercise dvd instructors in America and the world. First up we had Michelle Dozois from Breakthru Fitness in the studio. Michelle's newest home workout series that will help you lose weight, burn fat and get a Breakthru Body! This amazing 3 dvd series will definitely get you moving and will help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals. In addition to fitness and pilates, Michelle also shared a truly moving story about how her family has been dealing with an autistic child. Her child had an amazing breakthrough as a result of some fairly simple nutrition modifications and Michelle talked about that. she also shared her feelings about how grateful she was for Jenny McCarthy's book and story because it has really shined a bight light on autism and has really gotten some alternative methods of dealing with autism out into the public eye. Please go to Michelle's website for more information. Next up we had on Patrica Moreno founder of intenSati Life. Patricia is one of the most respected fitness instructors today. With more than 20 years experience, she is a pioneer in the industry. Today she trains trainers at the prestigious Equinox Fitness Clubs in New York. Her students will follow her anywhere because they cannot get enough of her intenSatiTM, danceSatiTM, yogaSatiTM, coreSatiTM and warriorSatiTM classes. Patricia's enthusiasm, energy and dedication to constantly improving the workout are infectious. Patricia is recognized as an elite instructor within the industry as well: she teaches her techniques to other instructors worldwide, and she has been honored by her peers at training conventions worldwide. In addition, the press, including Allure, Shape, and W magazines, as well as The New York Sun and ABC News, have recognized her unique talent. The creation of the intenSati workout is evidence that Patricia leads new fitness trends pushes the boundaries: intenSati combines the best of group fitness with the elements of yoga and life coaching to create a new workout that is exactly right for our times, combining both physical and spiritual disciplines to create excellent results. For more information please go to her website Last but never least we had back an old friend Tracey Mallett. Tracey is an internationally recognized expert known in the fitness industry and a popular figure among top media, having graced the cover of Pilates Style and been featured in Shape, Fitness Magazine, Women's Health, Fit Pregnancy, SELF, Fit Yoga, OK Magazine, and Diet and Fitness. Tracey is part of the Hot Moms Club and she too has a brand new book and exercise dvd for women coming out in January called "SEXY IN 6" featuring the amazing "6 Minute Quick Blast Method" We had a big surprise for her tonight, because she didn't know that Michelle was with us in the studio. You see they are neighbors in Southern California. It was shockingly hilarious. Please check out Tracey's website for info on all her dvds.Please continue making Dr Fitness jealous by following the Fat Guy on Twitter. As we've mentioned anyone can follow the Fat Guy's eating exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying crazy things in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So you can now peek into his food diary. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy Twitters about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to to see exactly what the fat guy eats. We now have literally dozens of people who are following him so please join in. Hot mom, Kathie Larkin was in the studio lending her thoughts and laughter. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for hot moms, fat moms, all kinds of moms and is available on most PBS' around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano in that Veet commercial that is on TV 24 hours a day. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_11222007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:01am EST |
Fri, 16 November 2007
![]() On tonight's show, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about all things pilates from America's Number 1 Pilates Instructor Jennifer Kries. Dancer, choreographer, yoga devotee, author and Pilates master teacher, Jennifer Kries is an unparalleled innovator in the realm of alternative health and fitness. First to bring Pilates to the masses, her award-winning videos and DVDs, The Method Series, Jennifer Kries’s Pilates Method and Fox/Fit TV’s, The Method Show, revolutionized the fitness community, paving the way for the current wave of enthusiasm for Pilates mind-body exercise. Jennifer has a couple of hot new Pilates dvds out now and she told us all about them. So if you love pilates or if you're new to pilates you have to look for Yin Yoga and New Body! Pilates on Jennifer's website She has clips of all her dvds and lots of information for the beginner all the way up to the advanced pilates enthusiast. Next up we had the always excitable Sgt Harvey Walden. You know Harvey from the smash hit TV show Celebrity Fit Club where he has personally motivated dozens of celebrity recruits back into shape since 2004. Some of the celebs that have felt Sgt Walden's wrath have been Gary Busey, Screech, Tina Yothers, Kelly LeBrock, Victoria Jackson, Carnie Wilson and many more. This year's crew will have their hands full as Harvey is changing up the show to a more boot camp format. And tonight Harvey gave us some great fitness and workout info from his brand new book No Excuses! Fitness Workout as well as inside dish from the real goings on behind the scenes at the Celebrity Fit Club. Be sure to check out the Sgt of Fitness' website for more info. Next up we had on some fans of the show Ashley and Lauren who together have lost over 100 pounds. And they did it mostly just by listening to the Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy show. Not exactly, but they did listen to the show when they would walk around Stone Mountain. They shared stories about how they supported each other and how they kept each other accountable and how despite their two totally different metabolisms and body types they were able to work together and achieve their weight loss goals. So big congrats for Ashley and Lauren for losing the weight and finding a great way to keep it off. Please go to their blog and give them some words of support and congratulations. Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy are very proud of their accomplishments. BTW their blog has lots of great info for women on beauty, health, celebrity gossip and fashion. Check it out! It is so funny to see how jealous Dr Fitness is over all the people who are following the Fat Guy on Twitter. As we've mentioned anyone can follow the Fat Guy's eating exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying crazy things in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So you can now peek into his food diary. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy Twitters about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to to see exactly what the fat guy eats. We have now have around 16 people who are following him so please join in. Hot mom, Kathie Larkin was in the studio lending her thoughts and laughter. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for hot moms, fat moms, all kinds of moms and is available on most PBS' around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano in that Veet commercial that is on TV 24 hours a day. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_11152007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:54am EST |
Thu, 8 November 2007
![]() On tonight's show, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about a delicious healthy carbonated drink called "Fizzy Lizzy" from Lizzy herself Lizzy Morrill. Lizzy shared her amazing journey from coming up with the idea all the way to producing it. This amazing beverage is spreading like wildfire all over the country. Some of the great flavors it comes in are: Red Hill Pomegranate, Gulf Coast Tangerine, Pacific Raspberry Lemon, Mount Fuji Apple, Yakima Valley Grape, Costa Rican Pineapple, Northern Lights Cranberry and Lone Star Grapefruit. Eight great fruity bubbly flavors. For more information about Lizzy and her Fizzy fun drink check out her website and make sure you ask the store manager of your favorite grocery store to stock it if they don't already. We also had on John Biggs from CrunchGear and Sweet Susi May from FitSugar. John talked about the latest and the greatest fitness products out there and Susi shared what is all the rage for the ladies interested in health and fitness. Be sure to check out FitSugar at and John's two popular blogs at and As a special bonus we had Brad LaTour joined us from JumpSnap the popular cordless jumprope that is sweeping the country. Brad created a beautiful pink JumpSnap for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and has decided to make that fundraiser go on indefinitely. So buy a pink JumpSnap and a huge chunk of the proceeds go to help people suffering with Breast Cancer. there is a rumor that Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy are going to sponsor a JumpSnap Double Dutch Contest but who knows. For more information about JumpSnap please go to their websites and Follow the Fat Guy's eating exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying crazy things in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So you can now peek into his food diary. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy Twitters about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to to see exactly what the fat guy eats. We are now up to 11 people following him so please join in. Hot mom, Kathie Larkin was in the studio lending her thoughts and laughter. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for hot moms, fat moms, all kinds of moms and is available on most PBS' around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano in that Veet commercial that is on TV 24 hours a day. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_11082007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:05pm EST |
Thu, 1 November 2007
![]() On tonight's show, Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about skinny jeans. These are the only blue jeans that are created with the sole purpose to be more slimming and more flattering. Catherine, the founder, came on and discussed all the ways these skinny jeans make you look good. They include special designed denim and go all the way to optical illusion like hems and super strong pockets. These classic looking jeans will never stretch out, bag out or lose their shape. And you will not have to wash them every time you wear them! She shared the unlikely place (Sex and the City) she got her inspiration for these super denim blue jeans that are showing up on the biggest stars and in the most exclusive boutiques. Finally there are jeans that make you look skinny even if you need to lose a few pounds. No matter if you are apple shaped, pear shaped or even watermelon shaped these jeans will make you look good. For more information about Skinny Jeans please go their website Imagine a day when you can reach into your freezer pull out a donut or cinnamon bun , microwave it for a few seconds and enjoy it without feeling guilty about the gazillion calories and fat you just ate. Well everyone that day is today. Frank Dilullo, a man who was raised in the donut business has figured out a proprietary way to avoid making greasy fattening donuts. These great tasting low fat and low calorie donuts are hand rolled and hand cut, they use a wheat based wheat and avoid any added artificial sweeteners and chemicals. Each donut is hand filled and frosted before being flash frozen and shipped directly to you via Fedex. No, boys and girls, you are not dreaming these massive donuts have been tested in a USDA lab to verify their claims! They passed with flying deliciously frosted colors. A doctor even recommends them, along with Lisa Lillien The Hungry Girl, Donnie Deutsch, and our friends at The Daily Candy. Trust the Fat Guy you will not get a more delicious tasting donut. A healthy donut is only a few mouse clicks away. Today you can only buy them online at their website, but soon they will be opening franchised stores near you (one is in the works in Beverly Hills). Go to and mention Dr Fitness when you give them your email address and order and you get a FREE dozen donuts. We also had on Tiffany Davis from The Daily Candy who shared her favorite healthy getaways. She talked about resorts from NY to Latin America to California. Check out The Daily Candy at As a special bonus we had on Stephen Harkins from Bradley Communications who gave our listeners the recap from our recent appearance as panelists for Steve Harrison's National Publicity Summit in New York last week. Follow the Fat Guy's eating exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying crazy things in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So you can now peek into his food diary. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy Twitters about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to to see exactly what the fat guy eats. So far about 9 people are following him so please join in. Hot mom, Kathie Larkin was in the studio lending her thoughts and laughter. You know Kathie as the host of Real Savvy Moms. Real Savvy Moms is a great show for hot moms, fat moms, all kinds of moms and is available on most PBS' around the US and online. Remember Kathie is one of the top feet and legs model's out there... she is so hot she got to be a body double for Alyssa Milano in that Veet commercial that is on TV 24 hours a day. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check out her hosting skills on Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. We're working on ways to make those tips available to all our listeners. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of David Spade's "Showbiz Show" on Comedy Central or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts!!! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_11012007_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:02pm EST |