Thu, 24 June 2010
![]() The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. And today she made her radio debut sharing some great Summer time fitness tips. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Andy Lapointe with Super Fruit Coach with Fruit Advantage. Andy explained the health benefits of eating fruits - he has written numerous books on the subject. His firm sells delicious dried, concentrate and powdered fruit. Learn more and buy a bunch for yourself at We have tried the dried tart cherries and believe me they are awesome. We closed the show with celebrity fitness trainer all the way from England Cornel Chin. Cornel shared some great fitness tips and told us all about his new book Celebrity Body on a Budget. Learn more about Cornel at and buy his book on Amazon. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought? Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_06242010_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:05pm EST |
Thu, 17 June 2010
![]() The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Healthy Skeptic Robert Davis. He debunked all those myths about sunscreen. He shared tips on which sunscreens are safe and which are a rip off. He also explained that any sunscreen over 30 spf is pretty much overkill. To learn more please buy his book the Healthy Skeptic on Amazon and go to his website Next up, we had Ali Vincent in the studio with us (with her mom). She was the first female winner of the Biggest Loser TV show. She shared some hilarious behind the scenes stories as well as some of her favorite weight loss tips. she was in town promoting Famous Footwear's Mind Body Sole tour. And to learn more about Ali and her book as well as where she is now please go to her website We closed the show with author Robert Panzera. Robert wrote the book Cycling Fast which is a bicycling how to manual to get a newbie up to speed so they can ride their first race. Robert also runs cycling camps in Southern California. you can learn more about what he is up to and buy his book at his website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought? Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_06172010_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:52pm EST |
Thu, 10 June 2010
![]() The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Obaid Kadwani from eyeBlink a non profit who is putting on the Pizza for the Hungry event around the U.S. Please go to their website and donate what you can to help the hungry. A one dollar donation buys 2 slices of pizza for someone who is hungry. Next up we had on Michael Lipowski with Pure Physique. Mike has written a book Pure Physique:How to Maximize Fat Loss and Muscular Development. Mike shared some of his best resistance training tips. to learn more please go to his website Next up we had on Pete Thomas from the Biggest Loser TV show. Pete walked away from the show $100,000 richer becuase he lost the most weight out of all the contestants that season. The amazing things about that is that he lost 123 of the 185 pounds he lost while working out on his own. To learn more about his amazing weight loss success story please go to his website We closed the show with Dr Lisa Thornton, spokesperson for Weight Watchers. Lisa has just written the new book Eat! Move! Play! A Parent's Guide to Rasising Healthy Happy Kids. Lisa shared some great weight loss tips for keeping kids healthy and in shape. To learn more about the book go to or order online at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought? Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_06102010_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:14pm EST |
Fri, 4 June 2010
![]() The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Andrew Wood with Muve. His company have created a device called The Gruve which is a positive feedback activity based wellness solution to monitor and increase your activity. Created with help from the Mayo Clinic this device encourages and tracks all of your movement - in accordance with the NEAT method of exercise and weight loss management. To learn more about getting your Gruve on check out their website Next up we had on Tricia Bradley producer and creator of lots of your favorite TV shows through her company Serious Fun Productions. Tricia's new show, Athlete 360, the sports medicine show on Fox Sports and Comcast Networks is the only sports show on TV that lets viewers get to meet their favorite athletes, inside and out - literally. The show's host Dr Mark Adickes, is a former NFL player who is also an orthopedic surgeon. He goes behind the scenes with each athlete to find out what brought them down and how they made it back. To learn more about Tricia's company go to and be sure to go to the Athlete 360 Facebook Fan page to find out when to check out the latest episode. We closed the show with Bill Cortright - this guy has gained and lost 100 pounds 3 different times and has now kept the weight off for almost 3 decades. He is doing amazing work in weigh loss management in Latin America and now in the US. He is opening Symbio Centers - that help people achieve total wellness and permanent weight loss through his BioFit Program. You can learn more about his weight loss philosophy through his new book The Stress Response Diet and Lifestyle Program. Please go to his website to learn more. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought? Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter. Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online. If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
Direct download: lose_weight_radio_podcast_06032010_64.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:46am EST |