Sun, 25 March 2007
![]() On tonight's show, Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about low carb dieting from the guru not Dr Atkins, he's dead. No not the south beach guy, but Jimmy Moore the host of the best blog in the low carb world. Jimmy has literally transformed himself from a 400 pound Little Debbie lover into a svelte 220 pound salmon salad lover. His blog is the one stop shop for all things low carb. So put down the snicker bar and check out right now. I can't promise you you'll drop 200 pounds like Jimmy, but you will be amazed at the amount of info on the low carb diet he provides. But that's not all Jimmy has his fingers all over these websites,, and We also heard from Dr David Katz. This guy is the real deal his claim to diet fame did not come from starring in a sitcom or fitness video. He actually wrote the text book on weight loss. This Yalee can now be regularly seen on the pages of Oprah's magazine as well as the NY Times. The premise of his Flavor Point Diet is that you have a tendency to stay hungry longer and eat more when you eat more flavors. So limit the flavors you eat and lose weight. He also has some strong views on the obesity epidemic. Check out his website at and learn moreOur last guest was Jason Thunstrom from Lifetime Fitness. Lifetime Fitness is trying to create a country club experience for the middle class. They offer affordable memberships to families and offer a mega gym experience. They have everything from heated indoor and outdoor pools, to rock climbing walls, spas, cafes, as well as the usual supsects of yoga, pilates, group exercise and spinning. For more info check out and see if there is a gym near you. This week we had time for the tips segment of the show which is now called Dr Fitness' "Things You Can Do Today" To Lose Weight Tomorrow. Here are a few of Dr. Fitness' tips...Number 1, start the day off with exercise. Number 2, eat some fruit for breakfast because fiber fills you up. Some high fiber fruits include: apples, pears, and berries. And Number 3, slow down while you eat. It's even a good idea to get up and walk away. There were a couple more tips from Dr. Fitness, but you'll have to listen to the podcast or go to his blog to get the rest. Yeah Kathie was back. She has returned from filming the next season of Real Savvy moms in New York. she also got the chance to be a body double for Alyssa Milano in a commercial. Remember she is one of the top feet and legs model's out there. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check her out on don't forget to check out Dr. Fitness on Huntsville, AL TV. He has an "Ask Dr Fitness" segment every Tuesday on the ABC affiliate there WAAY where he answers viewers weight loss, fitness and general wellness questions. Their website is As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!!!
Direct download: lose_weight_podcast_03252007_64_livinlavidalowcarb_flavor_point_diet.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:49pm EST |
Mon, 19 March 2007
![]() "The most entertaining weight loss and fitness show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show. On tonight's show, Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny
about Jennifer Nicole Lee's Bikini Bootcamp from the Fittest mom in America Jennifer Nicole Lee. Jennifer has been featured in Oprah, she has calendar's, she has a clothing line, she does it all. Remember, she is the amazing woman who lost 70 pounds then won a Miss Bikini America contest. Jennifer is an inspiration and a great motivator. So to help her fans she has organized a Jennifer Nicole Lee Bikini Boot Camp at the Hotel Victor on South Beach. This fun and fitness filled weekend features massages and training at Equinox Fitness, there will be plenty of one on one sessions with Jennifer, great food from gourmet chefs and whole lot more. Plus you can enjoy the sights and sounds of South Beach because you are going to be right on the heart of the action. This sabbatical takes place at one of the most exclusive hotels, the Hotel Victor. This is an experience that will stay with you forever. for more information please go to Jennifer's website or Or as a bonus check her out at We also heard from Walker Thompson one of the top Mountain Bike Enthusiasts in America. He told us some hilarious and death defying stories about his time on the trails. He shared how he was punked by one of his friends with a dead mountain lion propped up in the middle of the trail. And he also told us how one of his rides ended up with him in the hospital being treated by the hottest doctor in Colorado. Mountain biking is a great sport for anyone looking to take their bike riding to the next level. You get a great workout and don't need to spend a fortune for equipment. For more info on Walker check out his website He is also a part of the Enthusiast Group which is a collection of websites for enthusiasts of all types including mountain biking, running, cycling and climbing. Check out their website Our last guest was Jim Jones the creator of the website. This site is perfect for beginners who are just starting out exercising and working out. There are a lot of websites out there that cater to the person who already knows how to work out and is kind of fit. Jim's site is for the true beginner. It's not intimidating and everyone can relate to the fitness challenges and exercises he put together. His website is This week we had time for the tips segment of the show which is now called Dr Fitness' "Things You Can Do Today" To Lose Weight Tomorrow. Here are a few of Dr. Fitness' tips...Number 1, get rid of saboteurs you know those people that are always tempting you and trying to get you off your program. Number 2, post your goals somewhere you can see them on the bathroom mirror or on the refrigerator. And Number 3, celebrate your success...big or small. There were a couple more tips from Dr. Fitness, but you'll have to listen to the podcast or go to his blog to get the rest. Sorry no Kathie again this week. I think she might be dumping us, but then a gain I have low self esteem. No really, she had a job somewhere (so she says). Remember she is one of the top feet and legs model's out there. Be sure to check out Kathie's website Also check her out on don't forget to check out Dr. Fitness on Huntsville, AL TV. He has an "Ask Dr Fitness" segment every Tuesday on the ABC affiliate there WAAY where he answers viewers weight loss, fitness and general wellness questions. Their website is One more thing Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy presented at this years Podcamp Atlanta at Emory University.
Please go to for
the podcast of our presentation if you are interested in learning more about podcasting. As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!!!
Direct download: lose_weight_podcast_03182007_64_jnl_bikini_bootcamp_mountain_bike_enthusiast_runfatboy.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:06am EST |
Mon, 12 March 2007
![]() "The most entertaining weight loss and fitness show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show. On tonight's show, Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny about an amazing weight loss story from Shauna. She lives in Scotland and she has been blogging as DietGirl for over 6 years now. She has transformed herself from weighing over 350 pounds to now less than 180 pounds. That's right she has lost well over 170 pounds and kept it off. You must check out her blog at if you want to be inspired and see for yourself that it is possible to lose weight, even a lot of weight if you stick with it and keep plugging away day after day. We are so proud of what Shauna has accomplished. She is a wonderful role model for all of us who know that we should lose weight but struggle with the enormity of the task. She talked about the importance of persistence not perfection. And also said not to put your life on hold until you get skinny. I think that Shauna is truly amazing and if you are a book publisher you should contact her and offer her a deal, because what she did and is still doing is worthy of being shared with everyone. We also heard from Leigh Crews. Leigh is a professional fitness instructor and yoga expert. She was recently voted one of America's best trainers by Vogue magazine. In addition to lots of yoga and fitness dvds, Leigh has been working with the folks at PodFitness. Podfitness is the first fitness system that builds customized audio workouts based on your fitness goals. You just download the fitness workout onto your ipod or mp3 player and the trainer's voice comes on over your own music to tell you what to do and keep you going. You can choose from lots of trainers (we recommend Leigh) and any just about any workout imaginable. For more info on Leigh...her dvds and her workshops check out her website For more information about PodFitness check out their website This week we had time for the tips segment of the show which is now called Dr Fitness' "Things You Can Do Today" To Lose Weight Tomorrow. Here are a few of Dr. Fitness' tips...Number 1, weigh yourself every day. the Fat Guy said not to do this, but Dr Fitness insisted that weighing yourself is a great way to keep yourself accountable and therefore make any adjustments in a timely manner. Number 2, eat more fiber, especially fruit and vegetables. Fiber makes you feel full. And Number 3, go dancing more often. Dancing is a great and fun way to burn tons of calories. There was a lot more from Dr. Fitness, but you'll have to listen to the podcast or go to his blog to get the rest. The Fat Guy finally got around to showing Dr Fitness how to play the Nintendo Wii. Dr Fitness, being the exceptional athlete that he is picked it up right away. He is now on the look out for his own Wii.We covered lots of news this week. Sadly Richard Jeni passed away this weekend. Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy saw him at a comedy club the last time he was in Atlanta. Also we talked about the 90 year old guy who wants to fight Jack LaLanne. That would make a great pay per view. Dr Fitness was excited about the gym in Holland that allowed you to workout naked. Yeah, how would you like to get on that bike right after the naked guy finished up. No thanks! And the Fat Guy tried Samoan food. Sorry no Kathie this week she had a job somewhere. Remember she is one of the top feet and legs model's out there. Be sure
to check out Kathie's website Also check her out on Also don't forget to check out Dr. Fitness on Huntsville, AL TV. He has an "Ask Dr Fitness" segment every Tuesday on the ABC affiliate there WAAY where he answers viewers weight loss, fitness and general wellness questions. Their website is One more thing Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy are going to be presenters
at this years podcamp Atlanta 2007...March 16-18 at Emory University.
Please go to for
more information. Atlanta's finest podcasters will be there. As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!!!
Direct download: lose_weight_podcast_03112007_64_dietgirl_podfitness_leigh_crews.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:42am EST |
Mon, 5 March 2007
![]() "The most entertaining weight loss and fitness show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show. On tonight's show, Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy get the skinny
about the weight loss diet that has been sweeping Canada and is now moving into the U.S. Dr Stanley Bernstein, the best selling author and founder of Canada's most successful health and diet clinic shares the secret behind what makes his medically supervised weight loss program so effective. His program gets you into the state of ketosis in just a day or two so the weight comes off fast, sometimes as much as 5 pounds a week. Remember this is a medically supervised program that requires you to eat very specifically and come into his clinic about 3 times a week. He said the results are dramatic. For more information, please check out his website We also heard from Sharon Mann. If you watch Fit TV you have seen Sharon. She is currently on at least twice a day starring in her "In Shape With Sharon Mann" show. She was a former 4 time Aerobic champion in Canada and has parlayed that into her great series on Fit TV as well as a wonderful DVD exercise series called "The Works" In her dvds she has some people exercising at an advanced level, others at an intermediate level and others at a beginner level. This way you can work out at your own pace and progress to higher levels as you get in better and better shape. For more info on Sharon...her dvds, her newsletter and her show check out her website This week we had time for the tips segment of the show which is now called Dr Fitness' "Things You Can Do Today" To Lose Weight Tomorrow. Here are a few of Dr. Fitness' tips...Number 1, take one meal at a time. Number 2, plan ahead. And Number 3, find small windows to exercise in not big blocks of time. There was a lot more from Dr. Fitness, but you'll have to listen to the podcast or go to his blog to get the rest. Lee got a new Nintendo Wii and expects to use it to lose weight. So far he has been unable to beat his 9 year old kid at any of the sports games, but expects to soon. Because now he can practice all day while his kid is in school.Sorry no Kathie this week she had a job somewhere. Remember she is one of the top feet and legs model's out there. Be sure
to check out Kathie's website Also check her out on Also don't forget to check out Dr. Fitness on Huntsville, AL TV. He has an "Ask Dr Fitness" segment every Tuesday on the ABC affiliate there WAAY where he answers viewers weight loss, fitness and general wellness questions. Their website is One more thing Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy are going to be presenters
at this years podcamp Atlanta 2007...March 16-18 at Emory University.
Please go to for
more information. Atlanta's finest podcasters will be there. As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!!!
Direct download: diet_secret_podcast_0304200_64_dr_B_fitness_Sharon_mann.MP3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:28am EST |